Thursday, February 4, 2016

Easy Ways To Lose Weight - Losing Weight Made Simple

Fit and healthy for a lot of Americans starts with losing weight. Losing weight is not just about looking good but it is also about feeling good. Heart disease is a big problem in the United States causing 25% of all deaths in the US. The CDC predicts that one-third of the adult population in the US will develop Type 2 Diabetes. Both of these diseases are totally preventable. In fact, both are directly correlated with being over weight. Meaning, if you are overweight, you are more likely to suffer from heart disease and type 2 diabetes than someone who is not. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The problem is, losing weight is not easy for most people who are at risk. In fact, it may seem down right impossible.
The fact is, there is no easy way to lose weight. Losing weight requires simple changes in lifestyle that are not easy because they need a shift in mindset. To lose weight, we have to adjust our eating habits and level of activity. Diet and exercise. Simple. The difficulty with that is, our eating habits form during childhood, passed down from generation to generation. As children, we do not have control over what we eat and where we go. We may or may not learn poor eating habits that we then pass on to our kids. Eating healthy does not just mean fewer calories and more salad. It means eating whole foods, foods that have not been processed. Simple concept. Not always easy to execute.
The same thing goes for exercise. If exercise and physical activity were not a part of your upbringing, the odds are high that exercising is not even on your radar. Which probably means you'll have to change your entire schedule to include exercise into your daily routine as an adult. Simple concept. Difficult to execute.
Here are some tips that may make it easier to make simple changes to your diet and exercise to meet weight and health goals:
  • Figure out your relationship with food. Are you eating to survive? Do you eat when you're bored? Do you eat to celebrate? Do you eat when you're sad? You can recognize what triggers you to eat when don't need to.
  • Start phasing processed foods out of your diet. Anything packaged in a box or bag and stored at room temperature probably has ingredients your body can't process. This also includes fast food. Eating them will not help you lose weight. Simple concept. Not easy to execute.
  • Don't wait to get to the gym to exercise. Find ways to merge exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in a far parking space. Hand deliver notes and documents.
  • Exercise BEFORE you start your day. Getting a brisk walk or run in early in the day jump starts your metabolism and gets those endorphins flowing. Working out in the evening may seem better in theory but sometimes after a long day, you just do not feel like it. Other times, things come up. Life happens and you may find yourself missing your work outs.
Losing weight might prove difficult. There is no easy way to do it. Simple lifestyle changes help are not easy but make a huge difference in weight loss progress. Simple is effective but hardly ever easy.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Smart Ways to Lose Weight Fast for Women

Many women with weight problems are not satisfied about the way they look therefore, they are in a constant search for the perfect method to slim down. Actually, slimming down is not hard if you follow the right option. It does not matter how much you weigh, you can still lose weight effortlessly.
The reason many fail is that they do not possess the right information and almost every method that we can find today online or in magazines is wrong. One of the biggest problems with all the weight loss programs you can find is the fact that they are not exactly made for a single person. Almost all the weight loss programs vary from one person to the other in both application and results thereafter.
A lot of factors are thus needed to be taken into account for healthy and fast weight loss for women few of which we will be discussing below. If you are also looking for some tips on getting slim in order to look good, then you should consider the following tips for fast weight loss.
Smart Tips for Women's Weight Loss.
  • Don't stop eating.
Many women resort to this option in hope that they will lose enough weight to achieve their goal and stop feeling ashamed. It is important to eat regardless what people are saying about you. Stop eating or reducing your daily amount of food as much as you can will only bring health problems. Though it is always recommended that the most effective method to lose weight fast is to lower your calories consumption but if your calorie intake is too low it will cause your body to go into starvation mode and in result lower your metabolism. It's also well-known fact that some very low-calorie diets cause your body to store more fat instead of burning it so as to conserve its energy stores.
  • Diet.
One of the best options and important part of weight loss goal for women is certainly reached by taking healthy diet. A healthy and balanced diet is a must for any women wish to lose weight fast. A diet which combines fruits, green vegetables, carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins is considered a healthy diet and in the case of fat loss for women should undoubtedly be given top priority. Following a diet program can be hard because of the daily routine.
However, you can still be careful with your diet by eating as much as you think it is enough for you; the only thing that should be considered is to eat foods that have a low-fat level. To maximize your weight loss efforts it is important to eat healthy foods regularly every two and half hours which are low in calories and high in proteins and carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Also, be sure to replace all those soft drinks with plenty of water as these drinks comes with a lot of sugar and thus delay you weight loss goals.
  • Fun exercises.
Taking exercise can make you lose those extra pounds that are bothering you and if you will exercise regularly you can achieve a nice slim body. It is important to exercise naturally without pushing your body to extreme because it can be damaging for your health. If you have to drag yourself to exercise and you get bored and weary by it after a few days than it's the time to change your exercise routine because If you don't feel exercising is fun then you won't follow it from your heart and will leave it only after a few days.
One way to make exercise fun is by listening to music while doing the exercise that you love. Exercises like dancing, hiking, bicycling and swimming are few such fun exercises which wouldn't feel like an exercise at all and you can even do all the exercises on alternate days so as to make them more fruitful in your weight loss efforts.
  • Be patient.
Getting slim cannot be done overnight therefore, you have to be patient and most importantly confident that you will achieve your purpose without any failure. Follow the above steps daily and results will appear in time. Getting slim requires time and that depends mostly on the way your body looks like. Moreover, the metabolism contributes as well in this equation, but most importantly is your state of mind. Be confident and in time you will have a nice slim body. Finally, yet importantly, it is better to follow a natural and safe routine rather than try using different methods that can do irreversible damages in time.
Life is short. Everyone wants to be succeeded in the life. But what makes a person's life a success is still a big question. Many attributes are related to success that range from physical to mental counts, hard skills to soft skills, hard works, thought-process, dreams, reality, happiness, hardship and what not!
Factors that have an effect on and affect the success in life also vary. In a broader aspect, three things actually determine the ultimate SUCCESS of life:
• Health
• Skills
• Money

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Detoxification & Permanent Weight Loss Made Easy: 7 Tips for Staying on Task

Most important of all in maintaining a detox regimen is to keep a schedule. We are trying to form healthier habits and break away from old comforts. At first, this can seem like a radical overhaul, but it is essential to give it at least a week.
Time management problems make us feel rushed and stressed, irritable and eventually "hangry." Here are seven tips to help you stick to your goals:
1. Exercise in the morning when you have more energy. It's even better if you can get outside and enjoy good weather!
2. Stretch, meditate, pray, or do breathwork at night when it can calm you down to sleep easier.
3. Plan your meals and anticipate obstacles in advance. If you are meeting a friend that may tempt you astray, think of responses and countersuggestions in advance. Invite them over to try some of your home-cooked food! When are you usually craving snacks? Try to have healthier alternatives prepared beforehand so the throngs of hunger are relieved before you can rationalize yourself away from your intended goal.
4. Try a television fast. Sometimes at the end of the day we may find ourselves wanting to lay down on the sofa and watch television. When this becomes habitual it can lower productivity and take us away from quality time with family. Instead of relying on TV "escapism," we might try turning on the radio and reading, writing, or talking with family. Less light at night also allows us to sleep easier and more restfully. Getting adequate rest is essential to restoring energy reserves.
5. Try scheduling specific times to return calls, emails, and respond to other social media. With few exceptions, let all calls go to voicemail and return them when it fits into your schedule better. If you stick to it, you may be pleasantly surprised at how much time this frees up.
6. Try multitasking when you do mundane tasks. Got headphones or bluetooth for your phone? Try calling mom, friends, or work contacts while on the treadmill, cooking, or doing dishes. Try audiobooks and newscasts while you commute.
7. Honor your schedule as you would your boss. The more we make exceptions for others, the more we sacrifice our true desires-time for ourselves and loved ones.
Keeping a schedule can be difficult at first, especially when it entails getting up earlier to workout, but after a few days, it molds us into stronger, more efficient people. After a few weeks, the new regimen becomes habit. Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

8 Proven Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Lose Extra Weight The Healthy Way And Keep It Off Forever
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to our daily routine after the season festivities. One thing for sure we all have indulged a little too much, and one of most made new year's resolution is to lose the extra weight gained from the culinary excesses.
This is the best decision in making your health a priority, as losing weight helps prevent and control lifestyle diseases like stroke, heart diseases, arthritis to name but a few. I am here to help you make this decision a reality as the hardest part is actually sticking to it. Statistics show that most of the new year's resolutions are forgotten come February!
There are many quick weight loss methods all over the internet which do not give lasting results. Dieting methods which involve pills, dietary drinks, or foods and food supplement more often than not do not work. If they do, the results are just short-lived as the pounds pile back.
Below Are 8 Proven Healthy Weight Loss Tips
  1. Never skip your breakfast; Mother has always been right, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Have you heard the saying have your breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper? Breakfast fuels your body and mind after whole night of fasting. Nutritionist advice that healthy breakfast (containing lean protein and whole grains), full of nutrients mineral and vitamin will not only give you energy to start your day but also improve your performance, concentration and weight control. Cut out on meals loaded with fats and calories. Have your breakfast within 2 hours of waking up.

  2. Eat five to six small, healthy meals throughout the day; Do not starve yourself because the longer you wait between meals, the hungrier you get, and more likely to overeat. Researchers found out that three large meals over burden the digestive system, thus causing bloating and lowered energy making the body struggle to digest the food. Smaller meals a day on the other hand keeps your energy level stable and the body functions better. Remember to have your last meal at least 2 hours before retiring to bed.

  3. Avoid refined carbohydrates and too much sugar; Refined carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels and increases blood fats called triglycerides, which puts you on risk of getting for heart attack, diabetes and stroke. Consume whole foods in their natural state (unprocessed state). Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, whole grains and animal products, such as eggs, chicken and fish. that are rich in fibre. Carbohydrates in its wholesome state gives you energy, minerals, supply vitamins and are a good source of fiber, helping you keep up healthy weight.

  4. Decide on your weight loss goal; Set your goal and stick to it. This helps you stay focused and motivated. Use a BMI tool and calorie calculator to know how much to loss, and do it in a healthy way. Losing 0.5kg to 1.0kg a week is a safe rate.

  5. Limit your saturated fat intake; The daily maximum for an adult is about 10 to 15 grams! Switch to non-fat milk, lean meat, cut out red meat as much as you can and forgo fried food. Remember, eating fat-free foods to avoid saturated fat may deprive you of the good fats. Unsaturated fats (fats that come from plants, such as olive, peanut, corn, cottonseed, sunflower or soybean oil, normally liquid in room temperature) are good but also saturated fats are an essential part of our diet and often unavoidable.

  6. Exercise; Engage in physical activity. Move your body and avoid sedentary life. You do not have to enrol in a gym to meet this. Take brisk walks, use staircases instead of elevators, jog around your neighbourhood, do yoga, walk the dog, skip the rope, do sit ups and push ups just to name but a few. The outcome of all this is burning the calories. Make these activities a regular habit and soon you will start dropping the pounds.

  7. Drink water; Keep your body hydrated to loss weight. Water helps boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, and help burn fats. Recommended intake is 8-10 glasses a day.

  8. Get enough sleep; Research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to increased cravings for high energy and carbohydrate foods. Sleep also boosts fat loss and calorie burning.
I wish you all the best as you execute the above tips for a new, healthier you!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Detoxification & Permanent Weight Loss Made Easy: Five Program Essentials

1. Remove Toxic Exposure: Avoid out-gassing, perfumes and lotions. The molecules you smell are dissolved in the nasal sinus and received by "taste buds" in your nose. While minute, you essentially consume what you smell. Check the ingredients of anything you put on your skin. How would you feel about eating it? As a side-note, dry skin is often due to dehydration - try drinking more water.
Cut out all sugar and processed foods. Basically, anything that has a shelf-life. These "foods" survive on the shelf for long periods of time because even microbes have the good sense NOT to eat them. This is the most difficult tenet because the modern lifestyle often requires food on demand. You will need to plan quick, easily prepared, nutritious meals IN ADVANCE - especially if your schedule requires you to eat on the run. No bread, pasta, or wheat. Try lettuce wraps instead of sandwiches.
No Fatty foods, red meat, or dairy allowed. No caffeine, alcohol, corn, soy, nuts, seeds or strong spices. These foods are harder to digest and add to overall toxic load.
2. Replace Essential Nutrients: Get your vitamins and minerals by eating organic vegetables. The more colorful the better! Beware the sweet and starchy vegetables like potatoes and beets. Fruit is acceptable in moderation for some, but not all. Cook your green veggies to the point they turn vibrant spring green, but not beyond. Overcooked vegetables are disgustingly mushy and taste bad because all the nutritional enzymes were destroyed!
Get protein from fresh, wild-caught, sustainable fish. Fowl and eggs may be tolerated by some in moderation. Make sure that no antibiotics were used, and the chicken is free-range, organic, etc.
Again, having professional oversight can save you time and frustration. Simple deficiencies and digestive aids, probiotics, etc. can help. It is costly and unwise to take a ton of supplements unless a true need is determined.
3. Exercise! We excrete toxins through our skin, so you need to sweat! Moderate, but regular cardiovascular exercise in the proper heart rate zone is critical to success. Walking or jogging is a great way to do this. Again, specifics vary according to the individual, so a professional can diagnose specific needs. Too much, too little, or the wrong type may sabotage your efforts!
4. Identify Stressors and Remove Emotional Baggage: We can't avoid stress entirely, but we can manage it better with prayer, meditation, or simply making goals. By identifying the triggers that make us crave "comfort foods" we can avoid them, eliminate them, or transcend them.
5. Get Adequate Sleep! Restructure your schedule so that you keep active during the day and sleep when it gets dark. Bright lights fool the brain into thinking it is daytime. Try a television or computer "diet" and you may be surprised by the natural rhythm your body acquires.
The first three days are the hardest. It takes three weeks to form habits. After three months, if planned and executed properly, you'll forget the unhealthy habits of the past and achieve a better, brighter, healthier you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

7 Fast Weight Loss Tips To Speed Up Metabolism

These fast weight loss tips will help you to drop a lot of extra pounds, if you need to lose quite a bit
of weight. These 7 fast weight loss tips will also help you, if you are already in decent physical condition, to sculpt your body to an even greater degree.
Any weight loss tips to help speed up metabolism do just that. They help you. You still must have your overall fitness and nutrition plan in line with the goals you want to achieve.
You need to be focused on each aspect of your plan. If you expect to use these fast weight loss tips but don't exercise and just watch television eating a bag of chips every night, they won't do a thing for you.
Are you ready to add these fast weight loss tips to your lifestyle?
In order to get rid of any amount of excess weight, you must speed up metabolism. Your metabolism is a biochemical process that occurs in your body.
Your metabolism helps to break down nutrients in your bloodstream. This helps you to add more lean muscle, resulting in a greater expenditure of energy, meaning you'll get rid of more fat.
You have billions of cells in your body that can use up an enormous amount of energy if you are active. The fast weight loss tips listed below will help you do this. However, if you aren't active they won't burn up much at all, meaning you'll have a tendency to easily add fat to your body.
Thankfully, using the fast weight loss tips in conjunction with your healthy and active lifestyle you can speed up your metabolism quite noticeably.
Fast weight loss tips: #1. Eat specific foods. A number of food additives, like spices, can help to speed up your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been shown to last a few hours after you eat.
Fast weight loss tips: #2. Time your meals. The majority of your calories should be earlier in the day. Your meals should contain less total calories as the day goes on. Try to eat little or preferably nothing at all after your evening meal. Don't skip any meals. You should be eating 4 - 6 meals each day.
Fast weight loss tips: #3. Make sure you eat enough. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is they don't eat enough.
If you don't consume the proper amount of calories you will send your body into what is known as a survival mode. This happens when your body does not have enough calories, so it conserves energy to prepare for possible starvation.
On the opposite side of this, is if you eat too many calories the excess will be stored as fat. You need to exercise in order to burn more calories than you eat. Therefore, moderation is the key when it comes to calorie intake.
Fast weight loss tips: #4. Increase your daily activities. To prevent fat storage and to drop any excess that you might be carrying you must increase your daily activities.
This needs to include weight training and cardiovascular training. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. It's that simple. An increase in lean muscle mass results in a dramatic increase in fat burning.
One more thing; try to exercise first thing in the morning. Research has shown that you can dramatically increase your fat burning ability if you exercise after a fasted state. Meaning just after you wake up.
Fast weight loss tips: #5. Do weight lifting before doing any cardiovascular work. The only exception of course is to perform 5 - 10 minutes of cardio before your weight training in order to warm up your muscles.
This is important because you need the energy in your muscles for weight training. By the time your weight training session is complete you will have used up all of your preferred energy sources.
This means that you will actually be burning fat cells during your cardio session.
Here's what happens if you do this in reverse.
First, you will only be burning carbohydrate sources of energy during your cardiovascular workout. No fat cells will be used up for energy. Next, you will not have the energy in your muscles in order to get the most out of your weight training.
You will not be able to increase your lean muscle, which is very important if you want to lose your excess weight.
Fast weight loss tips: #6. Change up your exercise routine on a regular basis. For the most part you should change some aspect of your workout every 2 - 3 weeks. This can be anything from the number of reps or sets per exercise. The exercise order you perform and the exercises themselves.
If you do the same thing week after week, month after month your body will start to get used to what you're doing to it and will eventually stop making changes. You will also stop adding any more lean muscle.
The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn even when at rest.
Fast weight loss tips: #7. Meal combinations. Always eat protein / carbohydrate meals earlier in the day. Eat protein / fat combination meals (meaning little to no carbohydrates) in the late afternoon and evening.
The only exception is if you normally exercise in the evening. Then your first meal after your workout should consist of protein and carbohydrates.
Never eat carbohydrates and fat together in the same meal.
With these seven fast weight loss tips you will speed up metabolism and burn excess body fat at a much faster rate.
Try these fast weight loss tips out for a while and you'll notice a difference after a couple of weeks.

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